Washrooms can be a quality benchmark
Washrooms are an area which often suffers from inadequate budget provision or in some cases customers may exclude these areas entirely from their refurbishment plans.
Whilst a ‘back of house’ area, washrooms perform a vitally important function and are an integral part of any building, which can transform its entire look and feel.
Visitors will often consider the quality, condition and cleanliness of washrooms as a benchmark on how the rest of a building might look. Staff expect to be provided with clean, good quality washroom facilities which, if overlooked, can create a feeling that employees are undervalued.
With pandemics becoming a realistic future prospect, hygiene is even higher on the agenda than ever before and avoiding a washroom upgrade could be false economy.
Washrooms should be fitted out with easy to clean and sufficiently robust surfaces, be bright and airy spaces, crisp in appearance and welcoming to staff and visitors.
Material choices and design options are vast and will differ depending on performance characteristics and aesthetics required.
Whether you’re an educational establishment, healthcare facility or corporate business, we are confident at i4 Projects that our specialist washroom designers can tailor a bespoke solution for you that’s not only functional but that also architecturally complements the rest of the building and can even enhance your branding.